داستان آبیدیک

oxygen saturation


1 عمومی:: اشباع اکسیژن

Both out-of-hospital and in-hospital medical personnel should provide supplementary oxygen to hypoxemic (ie, oxygen saturation less than 94%) stroke patients or patients for whom oxygen saturation is unknown. Provide oxygen Provide supplementary oxygen to hypoxemic (eg, oxyhemoglobin saturation less than 94%) stroke patients or those patients with unknown oxygen saturation. Although placement of invasive monitors during CPR is not generally warranted, physiologic parameters such as intra-arterial relaxation pressures (Figures 36A and B) and central venous oxygen saturation (Scvo2), when available, may also be helpful for optimizing CPR and detecting ROSC. Central Venous Oxygen Saturation If oxygen consumption, arterial oxygen saturation, and hemoglobin are constant, changes in Scvo2 reflect changes in oxygen delivery due to changes in cardiac output.

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